How To Make Money Selling Canva Templates
If you’re creative and enjoy design, why not turn that skill into easy income? By selling Canva templates, you’re creating a digital product people can buy and use repeatedly. It’s simple to get started, and once your Canva templates are up for sale, you can earn money with little extra work. It’s a great way to make passive income, especially if you’re already familiar with Canva.
Let me tell you a little more about exactly how you can get started.
Find Your Niche
First, before you start making money selling canva templates, you need to know what you’re good at or interested in creating. This way you can create and sell templates that are both fun for you to create while still getting work done. There are many different niches to choose from. A few examples would be things like Social Media Templates, EBook Templates, Presentation Templates or even Resume or Website Templates. There are so many possibilities, you just have to decide what you’d be good at creating.
Once you've got your niche figured out, you can start dabbling around on Canva to create your chosen Canva templates for your users.
Produce GOOD Quality Templates
Quality is key when designing something. The better the quality of your designs, the higher the chances of making sales. You'll have to make your Canva templates visually appealing and super easy to use for your customers too. Canva has all the tools you need for this including high quality images and elements for you to utilize.
You should definitely use as many colors, elements, texts, images and icons to make your Canva templates stand out from the other existing content online.
Set the Right Price for Your Templates
After creating your Canva templates, the next step is pricing them. You need to make sure that they're priced appropriately according to the designs and the importance and availability of the Canva template. You don't want the price to be too high because that would just cause you to end up having no sales. But at the same time, you don't want to price them too low cause then you'll barely be making a profit. A perfect way to price your Canva templates is based on the value you think the design provides to its user.
For example, if you're selling a presentation template, the usefulness of it would be pretty high in the case of a business presentation, therefore, you should price these templates a little higher. Meanwhile, if you're selling something like a Crystal Journal, the chances of this being very useful consistently is pretty low and therefore, should be priced a little lower than the other Canva templates.
Market Your Templates Well
The next step is to start marketing your templates. You can do this in multiple ways like Social Media Marketing through platforms like Pinterest, Instagram or tiktok. Or even Email Marketing through sending out emails, Paid advertising that could guarantee that your content reaches the public and Affiliate Marketing that could help you get others working to make a profit for both you and themselves.
Each of these will help you grow the audience you need in order to start making sales on the templates you've designed. This part is way more important than you think because without an audience, you have no one to be selling to.
Provide Amazing Customer Service
Last but not least, you need to make sure you're really nice to your customers. You have to reply on time, you can't keep people waiting and you need to be willing to explain to them how to use the Canva templates if you are unaware of how to use them. This will help you build an amazing relationship with your customers who might just end up becoming loyal repeat customers. It's also amazing for you to have a positive spirit towards the public because that will definitely build a better reputation for your online business.
What if Design Isn't My Thing?
So lets say, you want to sell canva templates but you're really bad at designing from scratch, you can still make money by selling PLR templates. PLR stands for Private Label Rights. The way to make money through PLR is,
Step 1: Purchase
Step 2: Rebrand
Step 3: Resell
This method not only saves you a ton of time and money of having to create and design your Canva templates but even gives you a variety of PLR options online to choose from for you to rebrand as your own. It's one of the best ways to generate a passive income fast!
When buying PLR templates, you need to make sure that the content is of high quality, and that the Canva templates include unique content. So make sure to add your own little twist to the templates after purchasing them. Lastly, ensure that all legal considerations are met by making sure you understand the PLR license properly because some licenses restrict what you can do with the product.
And that's literally it!
That is all you have to do to get started with your own business online to make money selling Canva Templates Online! Once you've started getting sales, the money will just keep coming when you have a repeated list of customers. So start making money today by starting your own business selling Canva Templates online! MonoCreatives has 70+ products that can help you get started!